
Contact Information

For questions or concerns please contact:

Address: johnsoad AT wfu DOT edu

Subject line: BioTAP Webmaster

Take-Down Requests

BioTAP will respond to legitimate requests to correctly attribute or remove any copyright protected material that is not available for public use. When making a request, please provide the following information:

  • Title or name of the page
  • Specific item for which the request is being made
  • Name of the owner or source (with link to source if possible)
  • Preferred action: revise attribution, take down item, or other.

The webmaster will review all take-down requests to determine whether there is a legitimate violation of copyright, and respond. If no violation is found, the item in question will remain in use. Typically BioTAP will not respond to multiple requests to take down the same item from the same originating source, nor will it respond to frivolous or undocumented requests.

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